Fall 2024

Empowered Equestrians

Kids’ Club

Join the club!

Unplugged fun, new friends, & lasting learning

Join us for our six-session Fall club series, for kids grades K through 5! Our Empowered Equestrians Kids’ Club will meet for two hours every other Saturday, September through November, to explore equestrian and important life skill-building topics!

Empowered Equestrians is designed to suit all children, regardless of experience level. Participants will learn about “the other 23 hours” of a horse’s life, which is the care that goes into maintaining happy, healthy equines outside of any time spent under saddle, which is a key initiative in equine welfare. Through experiences with rescue horses, donkeys, and mules at our equine sanctuary, kids will develop practical horsemanship knowledge as well as personal empowerment along with social and life skills development that will help them be successful on and off the farm.

Programs are lead by ECC staff and volunteers, whose combined non-equine professional experience include backgrounds in education, mental health, military service, and the medical field (and all are seasoned moms as well)!

This Fall we will be focusing on the following topics for our meetings:

  1. Safe handling on the ground; Communication and leadership

  2. Categories of equids, equine breeds, colors, and markings; Individuality and inclusion

  3. Daily care, grooming, and braiding; Self-care and self-expression

  4. Introduction to basic equine veterinary care and taking vital signs; First aide

  5. Application of skills and showing what you know; Growth mindset

  6. Celebrating new friends; Belonging and being part of a group

Meeting Schedule

Sign up includes all six meetings.

Schedule is subject to change based on inclement weather or farm emergencies.

Every other Saturday morning, 9-11am:

  • September 7th

  • September 21st

  • October 5th

  • October 19th

  • November 2nd

  • November 16th


Who can participate?

Empowered Equestrians is designed for children in grades K through 5 who are interested in learning about horses and would benefit from participating in social activities with similar age peers. Depending on enrollment, grade K-2 and 3-5 may be broken up into subgroups.

All abilities and experience levels are welcome. The only requirement is that a child must be able to listen and follow directions (with reasonable redirection and reminders) and behave calmly to ensure the safety of all participants and resident animals.

Does my child have to attend all meetings?
What is the cancellation policy?

The club fee includes participation in all six meetings and we hope that each child will attend! That said, if your family has a known conflict with a scheduled date or your child is sick and must miss, you may reschedule one missed meeting as an individual session (according to facilitator availability, by 12/31/24). Club fees are due upon registration and are non-refundable. Any fees beyond one missed meeting will be considered a contribution to our hay fund - thank you for understanding!

What should a participant bring with them?

Participants should wear weather appropriate clothing and closed toed shoes (that are okay to get dirty, as we are a working horse farm). Also, each participant should bring a water bottle and any necessary personal items. Snack will be provided - if your child has any dietary restrictions, a packed snack from home is advisable. Please alert us to any allergies or medical concerns in advance.

Will there be riding?

Equine Connection Center is an educational equine sanctuary offering equine assisted services. All activities with horses are done on the ground, unmounted. Participants will learn hands-on skills caring for and working with horses from the ground.

Can parents stay?

Empowered Equestrians Club is designed to be “drop off” (all camp supervisors are adult women), but parents are welcome to stay and assist as volunteers.

Have more questions?

Email us at info@equineconnectioncenter.com

Sign Up Now!

Club size will be capped at 10-15 participants. Reserve your child’s spot today!