In-Hand Programs

Unmounted Horsemanship & Equine-Assisted Learning for Wellness, Confidence, and More

Early Connections 🌱

Recommended for ages 3 to 4

Our toddler program is designed with a focus on foundational skills critical for early childhood development. Tailored for little ones aged 3-4, this program incorporates sensory exploration and interactive storytelling. Research supports the notion that early animal interactions positively influence cognitive and emotional development. Through carefully curated activities, toddlers engage with our rescued equines, fostering a sense of wonder and laying the groundwork for future learning.

EmpowerED 🔋

Recommeded for ages 5 to 16

Designed to support kids through common challenges of growing up, this series is designed to emphasize teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills. Grounded in research which supports that equine-assisted activities promotes emotional intelligence and resilience among adolescents, participants not only build confidence but also cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their interpersonal dynamics through hands-on experiences with our rescued equines. EmpowerED curriculum is broken up into Level 1 (generally ages 5-9) and Level 2 (generally ages 10-16), based on readiness, age, and other factors.

Equine Inspire 🐎

Adults, 17+

Our women's empowerment series is an immersive journey into self-discovery, perseverance, and finding personal fulfillment. This series integrates hands-on equine activities, mindfulness practices, and guided discussions/journaling. Embark on a transformative experience that goes beyond conventional empowerment programs, building lasting connections with your equine partners and our community. Designed as a 6-session package, this series supports those who might be interested in Herd Membership as a longer term goal.

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Need something just for you?

One of our foundational principles at ECC is meeting both our students and our animals where they are at, designing experiences that are appropriately challenging for their current level of readiness. Although our standard programs are grouped by age-range, this is merely a general guideline for a base curriculum to work from to set forth a path for each student’s needs.

Our facilitators have extensive experience working with individuals with unique considerations and perspectives. We are fully equipped, and excited, to customize our approach to meet the needs of students for any reason, and particularly those who may have particular considerations related to autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, or social skills. While EAL is not a mental health service, is it a supportive enrichment activity that can benefit the mental wellness of any participant.

If you or your child have special considerations that we should take into account, please reach out to us so we can work directly with you to build a session schedule that fits just right!

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“The beauty of working with rescued horses is that their stories are still ongoing, just like our’s. I feel honored to have built these relationships and that we are part of one another’s journey.”

— As quoted from an EAL Participant