Scheduling & Cancellation Policies

Please review our policies below before scheduling a session.

For the purpose of these policies the terms “Equine Connection Center”, “ECC”, “facility”, and “instructor” refer to the business and its representatives; the terms “client” and “student” refer to the patron of the business.

  1. Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled with greater than 4 hours notice from the scheduled start time. Make-up sessions must be rescheduled within eight weeks of original session date. If a cancelled session cannot be rescheduled within this period due to a student’s schedule conflicts or lack of instructor availability, the session funds will be considered a contribution toward the care of our rescue animals.

  2. Session fees are non-refundable. This policy may be waived on a case-by-case basis, should the client and instructor mutually agree upon an alternative arrangement due to an unforeseen circumstance (for example, if the student were to break their leg in an accident and could not attend sessions for many months, but had three prepaid sessions in a package left).

  3. Any session for which the student does not attend without notice (“no show”) or cancels with less than 4 hours notice is considered as a service rendered due to the instructor’s time and preparation, thus will incur the full session fee. Clients arriving 15 minutes or later beyond the scheduled start time will also be subject to this policy. The instructor reserves the right to waive this policy on a case-by-case basis for the occasional exception such as a client’s unforeseen illness, family emergency, etc.

  4. In the event that the instructor must cancel a session for a personal or facility related reason (including but not limited to instructor illness, instructor family emergency, illness of an animal, severe weather, etc.), every effort to provide as much notice as possible will be made. Clients are asked to check their preferred method of communication with their instructor (email, text, etc.) prior to traveling to a session. Sessions cancelled by an instructor will be rescheduled at a mutually convenient time and date, with no expiration period.

  5. Sessions take place year-round and regardless of fair weather conditions. While instructors reserve the right to cancel sessions due to severe weather (see policy 4), sessions are to be held rain or shine. Should a client prefer to reschedule a lesson on a exceptional weather day (rainy, cold, etc.) this is subject to policy 3.

  6. Equine Connection Center reserves the right to alternate instructors in the event that the scheduled instructor is unavailable. When possible, clients will be notified in advance. Should the client elect to reschedule instead of attending the session with an alternate instructor, that option is subject to policy 1.

  7. Payment is required to book sessions via the online scheduling tool. Cash payments are also accepted, but sessions must be scheduled via written communication with an instructor (text, email, etc.).

  8. Equine Connection Center reserves the right to decline to serve a client, at its own discretion and without expressed cause, at any time. In the event that ECC determines that services will no longer be offered to a client, all sessions scheduled >24 hours from the time that information is shared with the client shall be refunded (ECC reserves the right to uphold policy 3 if a client issue that invokes policy 8 arises same day). Additional conditions related to policy 8 are as follows:

    8a. Equine Connection Center is an alcohol, tobacco, and drug free facility. Clients agree to abide by this policy as well as general common courtesy while on property. Additionally, the safety of people and our animals is our first priority, and clients are expected to respect this as well. Failure to comply with requests of ECC staff or representatives while on property will invoke policy 8.

    8b. No individuals with a history of criminal charges related to children, animals, or domestic abuse shall enter the property. ECC has a strict no tolerance policy and is unable to provide service to such individuals.

    8c. All persons entering upon the property are expected to have signed the Equine Liability Waiver prior to attendance. Failure to sign this waiver will invoke policy 8.

  9. By scheduling a session via the online scheduling tool or via written communication with an instructor (text, email, etc.), you are agreeing to comply with ECC’s scheduling and cancellation policies as detailed on this page.